Đerek, J., Sikora, M, Kraljević, L. Russo, M.; “Using Neural Networks for Bicycle Route Planning”; Applied Sciences-Basel

ABSTRACT – The paper presents the usage of artificial neural networks (NNs) in bicycle route planning. This research aimed to check the possibility of NNs to transfer human expertise in bicycle route design by training the NN on an already established set of bicycle routes and then using the trained NN to design the routes on the novel area. We created two NNs capable of choosing the best route among the given road network by training them on two different areas. The bicycle routes produced by NNs were the same at best and had 75% overlap at the worst compared to those produced by human experts. Furthermore, the mean square error for all of our NN models varied from 0.015 and 0.081. We compared this new approach to the traditional multicriteria GIS (geographic information system) analysis (MA) that requires the human expert to define the bicycle route selection criteria. The benefit of using NN over the MA was that the NN directly transfers the human expertise to a model. In contrast, the MA needs the expert to select multiple criteria and adjust their weights carefully.

LINK: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/21/10065/htm

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